Mo Murton

My photo
Loose, Maidstone, Kent
Garden Designer

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Gare St Sauveur, Lille

Charette in Lille what a week!! Greenwich students make it into the newspaper.
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Tuesday, 2 February 2010

My second attempt at a section and still have another one to do, made a start today and should finish get it scanned in at printers tomorrow and rendered.

None of these would have been possible without tuition from 'Grassy Green' Thank you

Hopefully blogging will now continue as a confidence builds.

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Back to blogging. Been underground the last month, or I should say above ground stuck in my attic, trying to find my way out...... this is my first attempt at drawing a section of a garden, not sure why I have never done one before.

The colour is too bold and it is an elevated section, so I obviously still haven't quite got my head around what I should be doing!
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